
Fixing ObamaCare

In June of this year, I reported on some announced changes implemented by the Trump Administration in an effort to “fix” our Health Insurance industry. This was necessitated when his own party failed to honor their campaign promises to repeal and replace ObamaCare. Set back, but undaunted, the Administration is making badly needed changes.
President Trump ordered the first changes when he signed an Executive Order in October of 2017. The Labor Department recently finalized sweeping reforms in the group insurance arena. “Commonality Groups” are now able to be formed by individuals wanting to purchase group plans, but not belonging to another covered group. These Associative Groups can even purchase insurance across state lines.
Remember “catastrophic” insurance policies, designed to cover someone in need of medical insurance, but only for major problems? Inexpensive and readily available, their purpose was to protect people and families from becoming financially devastated. They’re Back! The Administration has now authorized short-duration plans with limited coverage. The cost? 50% to 80% lower than ObamaCare policies would be for the same people.
We are currently watching the daily rise of Socialism in America. I deem these advocates of collectivism the “Willfully Ignorant.” One has to choose to remain uninformed in these days of 24/7/365 news.
One of the main precepts of socialism is so-called “free” health care for everyone. Therefore, I assume that countering the wave of popular support for free health care is best done through education. Only when people truly understand that nothing is free might we have a chance to change minds, and hence to fix problems.
Americans have long enjoyed the finest health care in the world. For decades we also had much of the best insurance. Our insurance choices have deteriorated, and the goal of the Trump Administration, with or without other elected Republican support, is to restore our free will.
Without complaining how long it took to get here, I am thrilled by the announcement of a second wave of health insurance changes. We expect many more, regardless of the do-nothing Congress, because Trump is steamrolling changes over the trash heap of dead legislation. Expect more changes in coming weeks.
The importance of health insurance reform cannot possibly be overstated. Small businesses, which create the vast majority of new jobs in this country, must have affordable options in order to attract talent. Affordability was at an all-time low. The Trump Administration is attacking that problem, and we all need to get on board.
Van Wie Financial is fee-only. For a reason.