Mortgage Interest and Property Taxes: Maximizing Tax Deductions and Navigating the SALT Deduction Limitation Owning a home is a significant financial milestone. ...
We’ve never understood the propensity of many Wall Street media “stars” to make prognostications regarding the stock market’s future. Mostly, their ...
Most everyone knows enough about credit scores (FICO) and their role in your personal finances. The Big 3 credit reporting agencies controlling your data and sc ...
America is experiencing a cathartic moment in time. Common Sense, which we Baby Boomers grew up more or less taking for granted, has been eroding at an alarming ...
It’s no secret that the past four years have not been the most financially rewarding for a majority of Americans. Since resilience is a hallmark of our popula ...
Christmas is upon us, and 2025 is only a few days away, so I am looking backward and forward for any positive personal financial possibilities that can help us ...
Listen carefully, and you can almost hear the national (and international) sigh of relief as 2024 winds down to an end, leaving in its wake a pile of economic h ...
Every year since I can remember, I have prepared a Christmas Wish List for Congress, and every year the theme seems to be the same. Last year, I wrote (modified ...
December is here, and if you are like most people, you are not quite sure how it snuck up on us so quickly. With Thanksgiving having occurred so late in Novembe ...
Our recent Blogs have outlined financial changes coming from government-controlled entities (including the U.S. Tax Code, Social Security, and Medicare, especia ...
As an American taxpayer, financial planner, and part-time radio host, one of my self-appointed responsibilities has been to enlighten our audience as to upcomin ...
Uncertainty is the bane of the stock market, as well as tax planners and investors everywhere. Throughout the 2024 Presidential Election Cycle, prognostication ...