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Radio Show

The company has a new name, but the radio show doesn’t.

The Van Wie Financial Hour has been going strong in Jacksonville for more than a decade. We can be heard on Jacksonville’s own WBOB, FM 101.1 and AM 600. The show also streams live on the internet at, or by clicking the link below at 10:00 AM every Saturday morning.

We cover everything from current trends and topics in financial planning to investments and your portfolio. We also discuss timeless issues such as major purchases, savings strategies, and Social Security claiming possibilities.

Get to know us by tuning in every Saturday morning at 10:00 AM. Get your finance and investing questions answered – call us during the broadcast at 904.222.8255. Our Podcasts are available at iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio Podcasts, Google Play Podcasts, iheartradio Podcasts, Soundcloud, and the WBOB Website.

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