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Wealth Unplugged

Episode 001 - How to Foster Healthy Love & Money with Ed Coambs

“Those earliest experiences around money, we may not even consciously remember them, but they definitely can be driving decisions, both for ourselves and how we interact with partners.”

In marriage, money can often feel like a taboo topic. Financial Therapist Ed Coambs, host of the Healthy Love & Money Podcast, joins our host, Financial Planner Joey Loss, to unravel the emotional tapestry woven by our childhood experiences with money, revealing how those experiences impact our adult relationships for better or worse.

Listen in as Ed demystifies the emotional minefield that can appear when love and money mix, encouraging partners to embrace the power of open communication and empathetic understanding as a starting point to greater financial maturity. Ed brings attachment theory into the conversation, explaining how your particular attachment style shapes your emotional tendencies when discussing money. He offers practical, heart-centered advice for couples looking to bridge divides and construct a shared financial vision that’s more about “we” and less about “me.”

To Ed, a negative relationship with money is always rooted in past hurts and relational trust issues. Joey and Ed discuss the importance of empathy and curiosity in better understanding our partner’s financial roadblocks and how that understanding can change our interactions from merely transactional to more purposeful.


Key Topics

  • What Clients Really Want From Their Financial Advisors (01:00)
  • How Younger Experiences Impact Behavior Towards Money As We Get Older (7:35)
  • What Does Financial Responsibility Actually Look Like? (13:32)
  • How To Use Attachment Theory To Explain (And Resolve) Financial Conflict (18:57)
  • Growing Emotionally Through Mature Relationships (28:26)
  • Should We Combine Household Incomes Or Keep Them Separate? (32:02)
  • Financial Maturity As A Lifelong Journey (37:14)
  • Financial Maturity As A Lifelong Journey (37:14)
  • Money Dialects (41:02)
  • Wrap-Up (45:28)
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