
Wealth Unplugged
“I also know that you’re working really hard because you want to take care of your family and you’re building this business that you love. So those things all make it fine. But it’s just an adjustment. And, communication between you and I, throughout the whole thing has been key.”
My wife, Elizabeth, and I open up about the rollercoaster of emotions and challenges we’ve faced over the past two years—from meeting through a dating app, to the leap of faith in starting my business, Flow Financial, to the arrival of our daughter, Ellis.
Listen in as we look into the complexities of juggling a new business with a growing family. We talk about how downsizing our income and lifestyle not only tested but ultimately strengthened our bond and found that dialing back on excess, like our second car, bought us more time to do what we believed mattered most.
Wrapping up, we look back at the challenges I faced in marketing Flow Financial and how Elizabeth bridged that huge gap in my skill set and took the company to heights I never expected it to reach in such a short time!
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Key Topics
- Elizabeth’s Take on the Journey of Flow Financial (04:15)
- Compromises in the Day-To-Day and Scaling Lifestyle (9:12)
- Combining Incomes (15:16)
- Toughest Challenges so Far (20:21)
- Deciding How Much to Outsource (24:00)
- Why Making Decisions as a Team is so Important (27:12)
- Our Closing Thoughts (30:18)
Elizabeth Loss 00:00
And I also know that you're working really hard because you want to take care of your family and you're building this business that you love. So those things all make it fine. But it's just an adjustment. And, you know, communication between you and I, throughout the whole thing has been key. And it's been wonderful. I think it's another thing that's made us closer, it's like, you know, we have to have those kinds of conversations about like, okay, what are we prioritizing? What can I and can't I do? Where can you pick up the slack? Where can I pick up the slack?
Joey Loss 00:42
Elizabeth loss. Welcome to the podcast. So when I was looking through, who do I want to have on the podcasts, and thinking about the theme of this podcast, it became obvious to me that it wouldn't really accomplish the theme of transparency and telling real stories if I didn't invite your side of the last few years into the wealth unplugged atmosphere. So just to give a timeline for listeners, we met on a dating app sometime in 2018. Yeah, several matched a couple of times, I've thought maybe she was interested. started dating in 2020. got engaged in 2022. Started flow financial in 2022. Got married in 2023. Pregnant shortly thereafter. And just last month, we had our daughter Ellis who's crying with grandma in the background right now. What a couple of years.
Elizabeth Loss 01:36
It's yeah. Been a crazy, crazy journey.
Joey Loss 01:41
Yeah, it's been a fast ride. And, and so I kind of want to unpack I mean, both for us. And for others who are curious about just rapid transition, and what business ownership does, you know, to the picture? What is all this like? And what has it been for us? So the number one thing I want to talk about, from my side is, start starting a business doing all these things, they're hard things to do, you know, they're going to be hard. And, you know, all you can do sometimes is tell yourself, okay, I knew this was gonna be hard. This is what hard feels like, and you keep going. But it would be impossible without having a number one champion who's always ready to listen to you talk about stuff that they can't possibly be that interested in, and act like it's underestimate me. All right, well, you really sell on it. Most of the stuff I talked about can't be that interesting. But, you know, it's just been so important to me, and anything that I've accomplished to this point to have someone like you by my side and talking about these things, and, you know, give me a sanctuary next to the business since it's a home based business. To do it all, so thank you for that.
Elizabeth Loss 02:56
Yeah, well, and I tell you this all the time, but it's been one of the greatest joys of my life, to get to watch you build something you love and be someone who, you know, support you through it, and at the same time, get to pursue all of our other dreams, like getting married and having kids. So I've loved every minute of it.
Joey Loss 03:14
Yeah, that's been a fun ride. And so I want to ask you, let's go back, I guess, to the phases we're dating, you know, I kind of have this bug that I want to start a business someday. But it's this lofty thing that's out in the distance. And it's cute to talk about and and that's all it is. And then I propose we get engaged. And two months later. Right, I leave, I get you to say yes, when I have this big salary job, nice and comfy. By a beautiful ring with my last paycheck. It was good time. I swear I didn't plot it like that. It's just when it became time it was time. And yeah, went from a very comfortable salary to a negative $25,000 income because of businesses cost money. So can you tell me a little bit about that journey from your side?
Elizabeth Loss 04:15
Yeah, it's funny, because, you know, looking back at that time, I remember as we were having the conversations, first of all, I had COVID when all this was going down, so I was in this room quarantine. This was like back in what year is it? 2022. So it was still like your to quarantine for 14 days. So I was quarantined in this room. And so all of our conversations were had through the through the guestroom door so you were like standing out in the hallway. Sometimes if we were feeling risky, you'd open the door with a mask on so that we could talk face to face. But anyways, as those conversations were going down, I just remember, like, first of all, we were pumped, but we're also like okay, you know this is going to be one of the hardest times of our lives. And when you know, in the future, when we look back, we're gonna think of it as so gritty, and we're gonna be so proud that like, we were so tough through it all. And now I would say, you know, I think we've been through what would be the worst part of it, and it doesn't feel that way at all. Like, none of it felt like we were drudging through a tough time, or, I mean, I'm, I'm very proud of us for the way that we handled it. But I think we just took it a day at a time. And, you know, I'm, I'm grateful for how well things have gone. But I don't think it was nearly the the tough journey that we expected it to be that we really prepared for. For me, you know, I think we expected it to feel like this big financial burden. And if anything, I think we just learned more about what's important to us, and what what things like, genuinely bring us joy. For instance, like, you know, you had the Jeep, and that was one of the first things to go, and we contemplated it for so long. We're like, gosh, it's gonna be so painful. When we have to get rid of this Jeep. I mean, we live in Florida, like riding around in the jeep at the top down is a dream. And we enjoyed that. And we thought it was going to be the worst thing ever to get rid of it. And then it's like the day it was gone. We were just like, oh, okay, now we have one car. And, you know, it turns out the Jeep wasn't really bringing us this immense amount of joy that we thought. So I'm grateful that we learned a lot about the things that really do bring us joy. And the things that don't through that, through that the past year and a half, two years.
Joey Loss 06:37
Yeah. And I appreciate that. You have that perspective, because there's a little bit of choice in there. I think, you know, people can look at it, you kind of look at the cards on the table and decide, you know, is this happening to you? Or are we in this thing together? And I think for us, the latter perspective became our strength not to say there weren't moments of like, Man, I'm just tired. This is hard. And wouldn't it be nice if we could just go to an all inclusive resort with that old salaries? There's those moments, but the big picture matters more. And I think it's become one of my greatest experiences in our relationship, that we get to have gone through this together. I think one of the points that you you brought up I, I think that's a huge one. There's a couple of components I heard. So number one is, it wasn't as bad as we expected. But it doesn't mean it was it was great, right? It was work. It was it was tough. It was different. And I think our expectations had a big piece of that, like we knew this was going to be really, really hard. And then as we were giving up, basically more than half our income as a couple, right, as we're merging our money, pretty much. And I think the fact that we had pretty challenging expectations, made it so that when we did face difficulty, it didn't surprise us. So at least we had that going for us. Yeah. And then secondly, I think that we at some point, we kind of found it like to be a game that is like how much don't we need? It was kind of fun. Yeah. I mean, we just we got into cooking at home. And I know I go through spurts of cooking a lot and then just disappearing from the kitchen. I don't have an explanation for that. It's just like, I
Elizabeth Loss 08:25
enjoy it when you're in.
Joey Loss 08:28
And but yeah, the Jeep thing was kind of amazing, wasn't it? It was yeah,
Elizabeth Loss 08:32
it was so hard for that to like, really suck. Yeah,
Joey Loss 08:36
what a ridiculous thing looking back, but I was just gonna say,
Elizabeth Loss 08:40
which thoroughly enjoyed having one car. Yeah,
Joey Loss 08:43
we've been one car household. We were inspired by actually some clients of flow, that there's a couple couples now that have just one car. And I was like, wow, they do it. Like people can do that. And it's just one that makes so much sense. Guys, you're anchored to Yeah, everybody has two cars, you got to have two cars. And then it was like, Nope, it's fine. Yeah. With that said, you know, there'll be a day where we have to, and I'll be glad for that day. But yeah. One is not that bad. And another thing that's come from that is, the more we just depend on shared resources, the more it's kind of aligned us, like even our days, we kind of have to let each other know what's going on. Like we've got to share calendar like these other things just became a little bit more necessary. And that made them easy. Yeah, compared to if it was just a choice like, oh, let's create a shared calendar, but we have complete independent capacity to do whatever we want, separate from each other. So I think it contributed in those ways to that kind of stuff.
Elizabeth Loss 09:42
Yeah, it probably made us closer. Yeah,
Joey Loss 09:45
I think so. And being more meticulous about going back through our spending and being like, well, this subscription, I don't even care about this.
Elizabeth Loss 09:53
Yeah, but and then you have not even Yeah, noticing that it's gone. Yeah,
Joey Loss 09:57
you'll notice that it's gone. And then And then add there is a little bit of sense of added value to the things we choose to keep to like. Sounds silly, but like, keeping Netflix was a choice. So if we watch a movie on Netflix, or if we like, talk about Apple, it's like getting apple plus it was like a negotiation. It wasn't like, oh, yeah, I'm just gonna go subscribe. It was like, huh, like, let's look up, what shows are on there? And then together, we're plotting, like, is it worth this? Like, how much are we going to watch? And if we get through these shows, get rid of it? I don't know, there's something fun to that. There is
Elizabeth Loss 10:27
and I think, I mean, I hope that that's like a mentality that sticks with us, you know, yeah. As income continues to grow.
Joey Loss 10:34
Yeah, and, and I hope long term that as our incomes continue to grow, as we find continued success, that we're able to just we let ourselves grow and lifestyle a little bit together and have fun, you know, new experiences and things like that. But also, I think it'll just make it easier to really appreciate the value of a safe dollar. Yeah. And, and this experience for me, this is we kind of started ahead of the trough chapter one or chapter zero, I guess, which was, you know, for years, I knew this was possible, that we would make the choice to start a firm. So I've been saving quite a bit. With that in mind. So for listeners out there, who are investors, that meant I wasn't buying a bunch of risky stocks, or ETFs, or index funds that represented, you know, riskier parts of the market, because I knew that I was probably going to be spending that money sooner than rather than later. And so you know, how it worked out that I started this thing right at the bottom of COVID. That would have been why I was glad to have invested that way. Again, that's not advice, talk to your accountant. But just a little context, about how saving as you start for business looks like I think that that gave us quite a bit of cushion to
Elizabeth Loss 11:53
Yeah, I don't think we could have, I would have been a lot less comfortable with the idea. Yeah, and if you haven't, one of
Joey Loss 12:01
the things, you mentioned that we waited a long time on the Jeep, and part of why we waited is because I was like, well, let's just see how much of this savings we're really spending. And then when it became clear, it's like, oh, we're using the spending their savings. I mean, it's like, okay, let's sell that thing. I don't want to see that go that far down. And so business launches, you have the inevitable initial wave of interests. And then it goes quiet, like every business does, after the launch, everybody's so excited for the launch, and then it gets a little quiet. And you realize, Wow, I really need to make a marketing campaign, it's me just being smart, and sitting in my house is not going to drum up business. And so
Elizabeth Loss 12:45
that became, they will not come
Joey Loss 12:48
build it, they will not come you have to tell them where it's at, and make them know why it's worth coming to. And I lean on you quite a bit to help me with marketing, because that's your background, and you're gonna say something about how you don't really know marketing strategy, this type of firm, but
Elizabeth Loss 13:06
I was literally thinking
Joey Loss 13:09
I can tell what you were gonna say. But you are a huge asset for that. And so that became another thing we worked on together.
Elizabeth Loss 13:17
Yeah, that's been fun. You know, obviously, yes, I would make that comment that you're interested, you know, I work in a nonprofit, in the veteran space, doing marketing, to try to get veterans to come take advantage of our free services. And so, you know, trying to market to a very specific demographic and get them to come do something that's free is weighed. So, you know, the industry is night and day. But I think it has been a wonderful learning opportunity for me because I have been in my current role for so long that it's been fun to branch out and learn a different industry, even just in the tiny bits and pieces that I have and get to flex some of my creative muscles. Even though I'm, I really just have the creative tools. And I am like blindly putting stuff together in there. I don't really know what I'm doing. But I appreciate you trusting me and letting me help with all that stuff. I've thoroughly enjoyed it.
Joey Loss 14:11
Well, for anybody that follows us on Instagram, she's the one that makes the cover of all the wealth drops. She's helped me a bit with the newsletters, formatting, making those look good. And then on the website as well, where we have podcast episodes posted with show notes and everything. She just randomly threw together some cover art and I've been sitting in here screwing around trying to make something for hours and I walk out there and looks like she'd been on it for 10 minutes and made some about 100 times better. So we just want to help with that.
Elizabeth Loss 14:45
So thanks for the credit. I have enjoyed doing it. Thanks
Joey Loss 14:49
for the free labor I enjoy not paying any.
Elizabeth Loss 14:57
On a similar note, one thing I wanted to mention earlier that I I forgot I was, you know, in the beginning stages when we decided to make this leap. And, you know, we realized that we would be without a significant amount of our combined income for some time. It made me really grateful for my job in a way that I hadn't been before, you know, because especially when you start thinking about combining incomes, that feels like, Okay, we have more than we need, like, Is my work, you know, at a nonprofit, really that significant? Like, am I adding to the pot? Or is it just a drop in the bucket, you know, but I do think we leaned on my income for some time. And that made me feel really good about my work and made me really grateful for my job. And so I just wanted to add that that was sort of a benefit that I hadn't considered. And, you know, I've been more grateful for my work ever since. And so I think, I think that was really nice.
Joey Loss 16:00
I'm so glad you brought that up. I forgot about that. Yeah,
Elizabeth Loss 16:02
me, too. I'm on maternity leave now. So.
Joey Loss 16:07
But yeah, so I said, I remember you bringing that up a couple of times, and just saying it brought an extra layer of purpose to your work? Yeah.
Elizabeth Loss 16:15
I mean, it's already a very rewarding career, you know, just being in the space that it's in. But having the money feels like, feels like it means something was really special.
Joey Loss 16:29
Yeah, and I think that's so huge. And it relates to some of the stuff and I talked about status, in relationships, and how money and roles and all these things can impact what we think about ourselves. And it's amazing you can, since you were five years old, have a goal of becoming a specific thing, or a specific vocation, and becoming excellent at it, and achieving what you've achieved, and your field. And being an excellent player on your team that everybody admires as they do. And you won't say, but I hear them say it. But then you put yourself next to somebody who makes more money. And, you know, immediately, we find a way to push ourselves down. Yeah. And so I'm just so grateful that I really feel like our relationship with money has changed because of this in a positive way. And more ways than one. And it's funny how, just that perspective, I hope, and I think it has, like, as the business has grown, and monies come back in now. It seems like you do like your job more than I remember before, not that you didn't love working with Wounded Warrior Project, but just like the way you feel about work is different. Yeah,
Elizabeth Loss 17:41
I totally agree. I think well, yeah. And I've got a new role, since as well. And but all those things combined. Absolutely. I've, I'm really grateful, I feel very loyal to them. Because they, you know, they provided so much when we needed it. And I'm really grateful for that.
Joey Loss 18:00
So one of the other things to talk about on my list is just the variable expectations and needs of a baby business. As it
Elizabeth Loss 18:11
grows, you're going to have a baby,
Joey Loss 18:14
we'll get there. That's really layered on top lately. But, you know, I think that's probably been in the last six months, one of the more challenging things for us is it's no longer the money piece, it's the with me being a solo business owner wearing several different important hats, you know, part of the day, I'm a business owner part of the day, which means I'm focused on the business running the financials wouldn't matter what I'm doing, I could be selling widgets, you know, I'm wearing that hat, running the business. And then there's the other part that's being a financial planner and being available to everybody for their needs. And, and being proactive and staying ahead of the calendar schedule and making sure we're getting things done on time. And, you know, it really is kind of week to week, that's just part of what planning is like specifically, but I know that in almost any industry, you could find parts of the year that operate that way. So for me, it's honestly, it's right now is one of those times, February into March and writing tax letters for people's accounts, there's just, which means I'm going through everybody's tax picture and making sure I know all the details and I lay them out clear so that the accountant and I are on the same page, that takes time. And that's kind of a dense process because a lot of that information doesn't become available until like this week, every year from investment custodians. So I gathered up, write it all and send it on. And then it's like so it's just gas on 100% And then it's off soon as it's done. And then another time is the end of the year. And then sometimes it can be you know, maybe late May, early June when I'm doing big projection updates as another one of those times. But as far as for us like at the household level It can be challenging, especially with a new baby. Because it's like I have no choice but to disappear. So can you tell me
Elizabeth Loss 20:10
from yours? Yeah, well, and I, you know, I do my best. You work from home, obviously, I'm on maternity leave. So I'm here all the time. So we're in the same house 24/7. But I really try to make it my mindset that like you're away in an office somewhere else. And so that means that you're completely unavailable. Because I think that's important, especially in your kind of work. I mean, I know, like, when I get into some kind of deep brain work, there's nothing worse than like someone walking up to my desk and asking me a question. So I know that you have to be in that state pretty often. So I do my best to treat you like you're away in some office? Yeah, I would say, I would say that has been the most challenging part. So far, I wouldn't say the financial thing. The financial impact wasn't, you know, I didn't really feel that negatively, you know, getting used to having you in the house, but you being unavailable, has not been easy with the baby here. But like I said, it just like a mindset for myself. And as soon as I turn that on, it's like, you're not even here, which changes things. So I think I would say the variable nature of it is probably what's toughest. Because like you said, like one week, you know, you're available in the middle of the day, you can come out and have lunch with us or whatever. And then, you know, three days later, it's like, the switch has flipped, and you are buried. And you know, more than anything, I know that like you're working really hard, because you provide really valuable services to your clients. And I'm proud of you for that. And I also know that you're working really hard, because you want to take care of your family, and you're building this business that you love. So those things all make it fine. But it's just an adjustment. And, you know, communication between you and I, throughout the whole thing has been key. And it's been wonderful. I think it's another thing that's made us closer, it's like, you know, we have to have those kinds of conversations about like, okay, what are we prioritizing? What can I and can't I do? Like, where can you pick up the slack? Where can I pick up the slack? And I, you know, I think for a lot of people, a lot of couples might not ever be in a situation where they're forced to have these kind of conversations or forced to sort of ration off chores and duties. And so I actually think it's been really good and healthy for us to have to have those conversations and to have them early. I mean, we've been married for less than a year at this point. So
Joey Loss 22:48
yeah, yeah, that's crazy. Right.
Elizabeth Loss 22:51
A lot has gone on. Yeah. But to summarize, yes, that, you know, the variable nature of your work in the amount of time that it does or does not consume on any given day has been the most challenging part as your wife, but none of it unsurmountable. And communication has been, you know, absolutely the most important part, and we're stronger for it.
Joey Loss 23:14
Yeah, that's easily the most challenging part for me to Yeah,
Elizabeth Loss 23:18
I can't imagine. I mean, I can't imagine what that feels like on your side. Well,
Joey Loss 23:24
especially since Ellis has been here. I mean, I just, it just happens to be a serious bottleneck for me right now. And, you know, you have to know when you start a business that these are part of this is par for the course, like you need to expect this. You can't always control when they happen. I mean, I have a very thoughtful architecture of what a year of planning looks like. And I thought that this would be a good period, work wise, and I'd be able to take a couple of weeks and it didn't quite work out that way. With that said, clients have been phenomenally supportive and excited about me having a child and treating me as a human, not just their financial planner of love that and totally taking note of it. I mean, there's not one that hasn't acted that way. And so that was a very pleasant surprise. And I'm grateful for that. But yeah, it's been challenging. I think, each time you go through one of these, you can look at it a couple different ways from my seat, and one of them is man, this sucks and I don't want to do this anymore. That's not how I'm seeing it. Another one is just man, this sucks. And then a third one is, man, this isn't fun. And what led up to this, what might I be able to spread out next year? And I think that's just the nature of this game. You know, and you have a job. Not all jobs work like this but a lot of them do. You get the privilege of just you show up you know you do you spend your a lot of time doing the thing that you're supposed to do and sometimes you're poor objects get run over. But for the most part, the walls will be standing tomorrow, if you show up tomorrow. But the reason the walls are standing is because the business owner is making sure that they stand. You know, I like that that's on me. And at the same time this is the cost of that is sometimes you're going to be in these bottlenecks. And so my mission is to learn, how do I create process or hire help or outsource in appropriate ways. That gives me a balance between the income I need and delivering amazing service. And also making sure that I can still be the human, I want to be within my family and outside of my my work, and that's going to be a practice to the day I stopped, you know, just how this is going to be. And, again, it's another area where I'm super grateful for the grace, you've given me to realizing that I'm not necessarily choosing this. And that, and I think you're observing that I'm trying to learn how I can potentially improve these moments in the future. But yeah, early in the business, I mean, there's just a series of bottlenecks, I've realized that happened in the business number one is going to be financial, when you first start. The second one is going to be time, as you start making money, you traded your debt for time. That's just where it is. And then at some point, if you're building a healthy business, this is when you really get to know whether your fees make sense for whatever it is you're doing. You need to make sure you're positioning yourself at least on a trajectory to be able to hire help, so you can get back your time. So first, it's money, then it's time, then hopefully, you can buy some of that time back. And so I think that's kind of where we are now is scaling past that second mountain of what can I do? Or what what programs can I buy? How can I change what's happening on the back end, without negatively impacting what's happening on the front end, for clients, and get some of that time back? And so as I continue to learn that, I'll share that in future episodes.
Elizabeth Loss 27:07
Yeah, I mean, the whole thing is a journey. And I would, I would say, this period, I think this is exactly why us having the conversations about whether or not you were going to start the business as having those conversations as a team and making that decision together. Like this is why that's so important. Because, you know, if I hadn't been completely bought in, or I didn't totally understand, like, this is what that's going to look like, we might not be as happy as we are now. And I might not understand why things are the way that they are. Or I might feel like you know, I didn't make this decision. But we truly made the decision as a team. And I think that makes this period so much easier. And helps us approach this period as a team, which I think we've done pretty well.
Joey Loss 28:02
Yeah, definitely. That's a great point. Yeah. Cuz if you didn't at least believe a little bit of the idealism I have about the power of financial planning, which is why I do this. I mean, I seriously love it. I'm such a nerd for it. And I just think when we get to work, it's the funnest thing ever. And if you didn't have a little bit of buy into the idealism behind my feelings about it, you could easily sit there and just say, why the heck don't you just have that job that paid you that salary? Get all the pain you're putting on this? Like, it's so selfish, you're doing the and, and you you wouldn't be objectively wrong, right? I mean, it's that's the thing. And none of this is there's not like a moral perfection here. This is just negotiation and teamwork. So I think, you know, for anybody starting a business or thinking about starting a business, these are conversations, you got to start early. And I didn't know I was laying bricks, that were going to be helpful for us later. But I thought I probably shouldn't completely bait and switch her and tell her for the first time after I proposed with my last paycheck that I'm giving it up to start this thing. Yeah. This is fun to talk about in a kind of a constructive way. I mean, we've talked about these things in small pieces, but never
Elizabeth Loss 29:19
as wonderful when our conversation. Yeah, yeah. We got to have a lot of those tough, not tough, but in depth conversations before we even married. I mean, you know, like you said shortly after we got engaged, and so I think that was really good for us. Yeah.
Joey Loss 29:37
I mean, it was kind of like, it's safe to say in hindsight, it was like trials for both of us. Yeah,
Elizabeth Loss 29:43
it's like I knew I was really bad at it. Yeah, it wasn't. But that would just like solidified after we went through that at the very beginning.
Joey Loss 29:54
I'm sure some psychologists could do a series of episodes trying to understand why he felt that way. I won't do it now not gonna question it. So what else around this topic? Haven't we covered? Feel like we did a pretty good job? Yeah,
Elizabeth Loss 30:10
I think so I just want to say that I'm so your vision is my vision. And I'm so proud of how hard you work and you know, your tenacity, and you're just such a go getter and you care a lot about your clients and your work. And to watch you put your heart and soul into this thing has been a great joy of mine. And I'm just so incredibly proud of you. I know, I tell you that all the time. But it's amazing to watch you do something that you love and to get to be your cheerleader. It's, it brings me a lot of joy.
Joey Loss 30:49
I can't tell you how much I appreciate that. And how, how much fuel that gives me. I mean, just having the permission to keep trying to be better, you know, is as a big deal. Because if you're if you're fighting the fights on the business front, and you're fighting at home, both are going to be in a bad spot. So no,
Elizabeth Loss 31:09
I think about that a lot. Like how terrible that would be if if we weren't as happy as we are, you know, you have is that you have at work? And then can you imagine coming home? And yeah, that would
Joey Loss 31:21
be tough. I'm grateful. Well, let's look to the future. And see, you know, based on our vision today, where does all of this go? I know we want to have a few kids. I think my number is always one higher than yours. That's a lot easier.
Elizabeth Loss 31:39
My answer is always bold. See, when we get there? Yeah,
Elizabeth Loss 31:42
three, or four or seven, one of those. It
Elizabeth Loss 31:48
goes up every time we talk about it.
Joey Loss 31:51
I love it. And I want to grow flow in this podcast. I mean, the whole mission for the podcast is like this is more of a passion project than anything is just one of the things I've loved about financial planning is at the center of it all is a person's story. That's what we're really talking about. And every one of those conversations, there's just this whole framework around this tool of money that lays on top of it. And how we interact with that is what defines a lot of our success or failures are good emotions, or bad emotions and little habits that we do, you know, all these things show up. But they all start with a person's story. And so for me, this podcast is a place for me to just be curious and ask people with interesting perspectives and roles in different situations, about those stories and see if there's any intersection with money that's worth delving into. And so that's the mission of the podcast. But it's sort of a capture of what Flo's mission is. And that's really to, to help people maximize the potential of their stories and life. And whatever it is, it's important to them. And, you know, a lot of times when people call for the first time, they're not in a place of total joy, meaning it's not uncommon for them to call from there. But usually there's some transition that's creating stress or a particular question or challenge or problem that's in their way. And it's got their gaze really focused in one place. And so flow financials, my chassis, my vehicle for helping people solve that problem and back out and get back to the big picture of living the life they want. And I want that for us, too. Yeah. And so tying it back to you know, the time thing. It's challenging to negotiate with yourself, Am I full of crap? When I'm spending the first many the first nights of my daughter's life at home, working on this business that's supposed to give everybody else in us a great life? You know, is there an irony there at some point? And
Elizabeth Loss 34:00
I don't think you're full of crap to answer. Yeah.
Joey Loss 34:04
I don't think so either. But you just, you know, hindsight will tell right. But it's the decisions that we make ahead of us. I think it's just like planning, right? It's like the outcomes are not predetermined, you have to make the right choices. And so conversations like this help you realize what kind of a moment we're in and help us identify what are the choices what levers are we in control of and what levers Can't we control? What do we do about it? And so that's my mission in every seat that I occupy husband, father, business owner, financial planner, friend, that's never ends. Yeah.
Elizabeth Loss 34:45
When I think it's literally just taking it moment by moment, like doing the next right thing as it as it comes up, you know, like in every situation, in your case, hour by hour, just like Hey, this is a new, a new hour what is the right thing to do here and making that decision? Yeah. You always seem to do the right thing.
Joey Loss 35:10
Like was to do my best? Well, I was with my wife doesn't really feel right to say goodbye because I'm literally gonna walk out and you're
Elizabeth Loss 35:20
gonna be right there, but I'm gonna come give you a big hug. All right.
Joey Loss 35:23
Well, it's been a pleasure having you on the podcast and it won't be the last time. Thank you, Joey. All right. Talk to you in five seconds. Goodbye
Joey Loss 35:39
thanks for joining us. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe to the show and share the episode with friends or family that may find the conversation helpful or interesting. Show Notes and episode transcripts are available on my website at flow I want to give a special thanks to Bo Gleason's for the music store and to the podcast man for producing the show. We'll see you next time.
Disclaimer 36:03
The wealth unplugged podcast is sponsored by flow financial Joey's Registered Investment Advisory offering Financial Planning and Investment Management services to clients across the United States. The opinions voiced in this material are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual security. To determine which investments may be appropriate for you. consult your financial advisor prior to investing. This information is not intended to be a substitute for individualized tax advice. Please consult your tax advisor regarding your specific situation.